Police in Nyatieko, in Kitutu Chache South Kisii, are holding a 17-year-old class eight pupil who attempted to stab a teacher.
The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) candidate from Nyabundo primary is said to have engaged the teacher in a fistfight before reaching out for a knife he had hidden in the waist.
Kisii County Commander Jebel Munene says the pupil was arrested and has been put into custody as police investigate the matter.
“We want to understand why the pupil chose to take such a direction. He is an old pupil who should be a good example for the rest of the students,” said Munene.
Teachers at the school said pupils who saw him reaching for the weapon acted quickly and separated them.
A member of the Community Policing, Peter Makworo says he was called upon by the boy’s parents to help them get their son back to school.
“We got to school in the company of the parents but the pupil became violent as the teacher questioned him on why he didn’t want to sit for the end year exams.”
According to the mother, Mary Onsomu her son wanted to drop out of school since he had identified a ‘suitable lady’ to marry.
“He has been fighting me since last year. Am against the idea that he gets a wife. Let the Government take charge and issue a warning to his girlfriend.”
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