Local News

Minor who went missing on Sunday found dead

Girl, 11, who went missing on Sunday in Takawiri Island, Suba North constituency, has been found dead.

Typhan Atieno Odero’s body was found on Tuesday in a bush, in a sitting position.

Her neck was tied to a tree using a sisal rope.

Atieno is suspected to have been defiled before she was murdered.

Atieno who was a pupil at Takawiri Primary School disappeared after a visit to her parents on the island.

She had been living with a relative and was supposed to report back to school on Monday.

According to Mfangano East Senior Chief Samwel Dwele, they suspect the killers defiled the girl as her body did not have any noticeable wounds, however, blood was flowing from her genitals.

“We were called to the scene and I was the one who cut the rope that had been used to tie the child’s neck. There was blood oozing from her genitals,” Dwele said.

Dwele added that the minor must have been defiled by a person known to her and later murdered to do away with evidence and silence her.

Mbita Sub-County DCI officer Philip Sang’ said they are awaiting an autopsy report to determine the cause of the minor’s death.

“The report we received indicated the minor committed suicide, but we are going to conduct a postmortem to reveal the actual cause of the death,” Sang’ confirmed.

The body was taken to Kirindo Mortuary as investigations begin.

By Everlyne Bosibori

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