Local News

Four security guards killed by thugs at Siranga, Siaya County

Four guards were today morning found dead by residents at Siranga Trading Centre in Siaya County.

The victims who have since been identified as Patrick Ondoo, Bernard Odhiambo Orindo, Ochieng Radido and George Agara, were killed by suspected thugs who invaded Siranga market yesterday night.

The bodies of the guards were dumped behind the shops that they were guarding.

Ukwala Location Chief Michael Osodo confirmed the matter, adding that the thugs broke into two shops and got away with property of unknown value.

Mr Osodo said that investigations concerning the incident have begun.

He, however, wondered how such a crime happened without the police realizing it as Siranga Police Post is less than 100 meters from the crime scene.

Siaya County Police Commander Michael Muchiri also confirmed the attack, noting that investigations have been launched.

The bodies of the deceased were taken to Ukwala Sub-County Hospital Mortuary awaiting autopsy.

By Everlyne Bosibori

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