Local News

James Gesami sworn in as Deputy Governor of Nyamira County

Former West Mugirango legislator Dr James Gesami has taken an oath of office as the second Deputy Governor of Nyamira County after an eight-month-long wait.

The exercise took place today at 11.33 am at Uhuru Gardens, West Mugirango Nyamira County.

Dr Gesami was in the company of his wife Dr Rachel Gesami at the function.

It was presided over by Lady Justice Rose Ougo.

The swearing-in of Dr Gesami brings to an end the search for a deputy by Governor Amos Nyaribo who took over after his boss John Nyagarama died in December 2020.

In his speech, Dr Gesami said he will be committed to working with Nyaribo.

He added that there is a need to make the lives of people greater than they found it.

“We have no business being in leadership if we cannot make the lives of the residents of this County greater and better than we found it,” Gesami said.

He further assured loyalty to Nyaribo and urged the residents to join hands in meeting the expectations of the people.

“I have never betrayed my bosses before and I promise I will not betray you. I will ensure we give our best in serving the interests of the people before anything,” the Deputy Governor assured.

Leaders who spoke urged Gesami and Nyaribo to fully concentrate on serving the people of Nyamira County before the next year’s General elections.

“We will support these men who have now become the leaders, governor and deputy, so that we walk and complete what they have in mind for our people, we have no doubt the county will go miles in development,” MP Joash Nyamoko said.

There has been a protracted war between the executive and the County Assembly of Nyamira over Dr Gesami as Nyaribo’s choice.

The exercise was witnessed by leaders who were led by Speaker Moffat Teya, North Mugirango MP Joash Nyamoko, Senator Okong’o Omogeni, County Commissioner Amos Mariba and MCAs from Nyamira County Assembly.

A section of politicians eyeing the seat of governor think the duo form a formidable team ahead of the 2022 elections.

By Darlington Mose

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