
Ruto allies: We will win despite the hurdles

The journey to the statehouse in 2022 is unstoppable despite hurdles by the state and our competitors, DP William Ruto allies have said.

The allies said despite every form of intimidation and political threats, they will go on with their unwavering support for the second in command to ensure he clinches the top seat next year.

On Saturday, Kisii County Deputy Governor Joash Maangi also expressed his concerns over intimidation of UDA supporters by the state, saying they will not be cowed and will not back down.

“We live in Kenya where each candidate should be given a chance to campaign freely, sell his agendas to whoever would listen without being subjected to any form of intimidation,” DG Maangi said.

Maangi further asked the state to guarantee space to each candidate to sell his ideas to the masses.

“We have seen other candidates freely going around meeting Kenyans, it should then bother anybody that the Deputy President is meeting his people,” stated Maangi.

United Democratic Alliance youth coordinator in Nyamira County Bernard Mogaka yesterday said, they will make sure Ruto gains popularity compared to other presidential candidates, citing their 2017 support pattern where the then Jubilee party garnered more votes and clinched the majority of seats.

“We are confident the DP is already popular and will still maintain popularity like in the 2017 elections where we garnered more votes from Nyamira and Kisii, and this remains our focus. We are not concentrating on our competitors who are going round tainting our name, but we are looking on the future of peaceful and mature politics,” Mogaka said.

The DP is currently on a three days tour in Kisii County, to seek support from ODM leader Raila Odinga’s stronghold.

By Darlington Mose

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