
Willis Raburu’s wife went back to her parents after separation

Mary Irungu has confirmed her family took her back after she separated from her ex-husband Willis Raburu.

Mary, the firstborn in a family of three said her parents are firm when it comes to the well-being of their children.

“My dad took me in when I was going through some hard times last year. He told me I just had to exist and he’d provide anything that I needed,” she said.

Mary was going through the divorce and healing process after losing her daughter Adana.

“It was such an emotional period and by that time all I needed was therapy and just taking care of my mental health. My parents made sure I ate and slept. My mum would cook everything for me and told me to stay with them.”

Mary has continually stood up and set a good example to her siblings bearing in mind that some decisions have to be channelled to her.

She noted that her parents are not so strict to stop them from having fun.

“Like for example, my dad bought me the first alcoholic drink. He introduced me to that. He was like when you are out with your friends, take this and that. You will feel a headache and so on,” she said.

Mary added that she and her siblings have different relationships with their parents.

Talking about how open she is to her parents about relationships, Mary said her dad has never seen any of her previous lovers.

“He just saw my ex-husband Willis Raburu when he was coming to ask for my hand in marriage,” Mary confirmed.

By Hall Morara

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