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60 people killed in Ituri, DRC CONGO

At least 60 people have been confirmed dead in DRC CONGO following a Militia attack on Wednesday at a displaced people’s camp in eastern DRC, according to the head of a local humanitarian group.

The head of a local humanitarian group confirmed that CODECO militia were responsible for the attack that took place at about 2am GMT at the Savo camp Ituri province east of Congo.

CODECO fighters have killed hundreds of civilians in Ituri and causing a displacement of thousand due to their fear of attack.

Research done by United Nations have shown a trend of their recent attacks to have been targeting displaced peoples camp.

One of the eye witnesses Mr. Lokana Bale Lussa said he first heard cries when he was in bed and few minutes’ later gunshots followed prompting him to run for his safety.

By Tindi Muia

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