Local News

Dandora Phase 4, Electrocution

A body of a young man popularly known as Duncan Oketch, 31, an artist, has been electrocuted in Dandora Phase 4, Nairobi as he tried to fix a problem in an electric pole this morning.

His electrocuted body was found in the pole by the Disaster Management Unit of Nairobi. The late had been promised Kshs. 800 by a client after completing the work.  The residents and the area chief had  warned him severally  but he did not head.

According to the residents, this is not the first incident on the very same pole and it comes as Power and the Kenya Power and Lighting Company is losing millions due to illegal vandalism and connections of electricity.

The residents are complaining that when such incidents do occur, every time civilians are the ones asked to lower bodies instead of the KPLC manpower. Through this, one is able to go and implicate the shoes and straps which will be used at different times to climb poles unsupervised.

Also, the residents blamed KPLC for not responding immediately to issues regarding to power when they asked to come and fix problems related to power.

Due to lack of jobs could be the cause of such illegal tapping and supplying of electricity as a way to earn a living as most landlord’s construct houses with no electricity power supply or connection.

Most residents also state it’s expensive to get genuine electricity as Kshs. 100, one gets only 3units as compared to getting 15units when it is bought illegally.

They are blaming landlords, lack of jobs, also KPLC for such deaths to occur to their youths and other residents of the area.

The body of Duncan has been taken too city mortuary as police launch an investigation to the death.

By Purity Nyang’ara

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