
Gesami to appear before the assembly’s appointments committee on Friday

Several  Nyamira MCAs have expressed optimism that the nominee for the deputy governor’s post, James Gesami, will be approved.

Gesami is set to appear before the assembly’s appointments committee on Friday this week in a move that puts him in the final process of approval or rejection.

The nominee had earlier on been rejected by the assembly for failing to present crucial documents.

However, Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo resubmitted Gesami’s name to the assembly and it was committed to the assembly’s appointments committee.

A section of MCAs allied to Gesami said on Wednesday the possibility of Gesami being approved was high.

“We are pretty sure that we are going to have the nominee approved,” one of the MCAs said.

The MCAs said they have been able to convince some members who were opposing Gesami to join their camp to approve him for the deputy governor’s post.

“We are sure about the approval of Gesami as deputy governor, now that we have been able to convince our colleagues to join us in supporting him,” an MCA said.

“All that we need is to have a number that can be above the number that is against the nominee.”

There are high expectations among residents that Gesami’s name will be approved by the assembly.

Nyaribo has also maintained that he will stick to his deputy governor’s nominee despite pressure to drop him.

By Darlington Mose

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