The Government has banned all non-essential visits to schools by parents and guardians.
Such visits will only be allowed in exceptional circumstance with the guidelines issued by the
Ministry of Education; with all visitors to schools being registered in the school records and
being subject to all infection prevention protocols.
Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua said all Teachers and Students shall wear appropriate
facemasks when on the school premises or within the school transport, in addition to strictly
applying hand-hygiene and physical spacing.
In in a press statement issued Sunday afternoon, Kinyua said that all extra-curricular activities
such as sports, drama, music and prize giving days, involving more than one school remain
prohibited for the next 90 days.
"All exchange visits between schools shall remain prohibited for the same period. Schools shall
maintain a register of all sick pupils/students or teachers, and immediately inform the County
Health Department."
Meanwhile all forms of public events and gatherings which may act as 'super spreader’ events
for COVID-19, including political and roadside gatherings, meetings shall remain suspended for
the next 60 days.
Only funerals and weddings which shall only be conducted with prior approval and with the
number of persons being capped at a maximum of 150 persons, and only if the particular venue
can accommodate that the number of persons while adhering to all applicable guidelines and
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