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Kisii County enacts Climate Change Bill

Kisii County Governor James Ongwae has assented to the Kisii County Climate Change Bill 2020.

The Climate change Act 2021 will now enable the county to put in place the framework and mechanisms for mobilization and facilitation of the county and other stakeholders to respond effectively to climate change through appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures and actions aimed at environmental conservation.

“This will enhance climate resilience in the county, whose population is amongst the highest in the county, through development, management, implementation, regulation and monitoring of adaptation and mitigation measures and actions,’ said Ongwae.

Ongwae said the climate change Act is in line with the theme of this year’s Annual Devolution Conference which will be held in Makueni County, focusing on climate action, particularly the role of sub-national governments in climate action.

He reiterated that the county was prioritising environmental conservation as an enabler to climate change action.

The governor cited the existing county Executive Order on the removal of Eucalyptus tree species and illegal structures from riparian areas and wetlands.

He appealed to members of the public to support government initiatives aimed at environmental conservation and climate change mitigation for the sake of priority.

“It’s incumbent upon us in this generation to get serious on environmental conservation and climate change action so that we leave our children and grandchildren a better world”, said Ongwae.

The focus on Climate action has been necessitated by the adverse effects of climate change in the social-economic development in Kenya, including the occurrence of floods, drought, and the general burden in public health and environmental hazards.

According to Ongwae, a grassroots approach is paramount in addressing the vagaries of the climate.

By Frank Akunga

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