
Partnering for effective connectivity and broader digital inclusion

The UK Digital Access Program in partnership with the ministry of ICT and Youth Affairs, civil society organizations, private sectors and many thanks and congratulates for ensuring effective communication in the country.

Today’s aim is to consider how we can work collaboratively work in digital transformation and enable economic, social development, improve leadership and eradicate poverty and also consider the less fortunate, women and people with disabilities.

Tracing back history to 2018/2019, the UK Government designed the Digital Access Program (DAP) in partnership with other stakeholders in five different countries.

The main objective of DAP is to provide affordable, safe and secure digital access for the forgotten population in Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil and Indonesia thus supporting the local digital ecosystem to grow.

However, DAP have created three pillars that is models and enablers that facilitated in enhancing policies and regulations and capacity buildings, trust and resilience for preventing and responding cyber-security harms affecting citizens, government and business people and sustainable digital which will create skilled jobs and support local development.

The three pillars are to frame interventions early in 2022 that had to pivot to respond to effects of COVID 19 which meant to work in collaboration with the Kenyan Government to partner and expert consultancy, inspire Africa Initiatives to design eight COVID 19 related projects.

The UK- DAP wants to thank Madam PS. Esther Koimett for accepting our invitation to officiate the event, the Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANET) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) who are esteemed global partners.

By Fridah Kerubo

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