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President Uhuru Kenyatta reassigns cabinet secretaries

President Uhuru Kenyatta has reshuffled his cabinet and the ranks of principal secretaries under Articles 132, 152 and 155 of the constitution.

The move drives at enhancing operational efficiency and officializing the execution of various ongoing reforms.

Following the new changes, some ministries have been reconstituted.

The State Department for ASALs has shifted to the Ministry of Public Service & Gender.

The State Department for Social Protection, pensions and Senior Citizens has transferred to the Ministry of Public Service & Gender.

The Department of Special Programmes has shifted to the State Department for Social Protection, Pensions and Senior Citizens Affairs; which State Department is renamed as the State Department for Social Protection, Senior Citizens Affairs and Special Programmes.

The Ministry of Devolution & The ASALs has been reconstituted and renamed as the Ministry of Devolution.

The Ministry of Public Service & Gender has been renamed the Ministry of Public Service, Gender, Senior Citizens Affairs & Special Programmes.

The Ministry of Labour & Social Protection was renamed the Ministry of Labour.

Cabinet Secretaries have also been reassigned as follows: Monica Juma to the Ministry of Energy, Charles Keter to the Ministry of Devolution, Eugene Wamalwa to the Ministry of Defence, and Margaret Kobia to the Ministry of Public Service, Gender, Senior Citizens Affairs & Special Programme.

The reshuffling has also affected some principal secretaries.

Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Gordon O. Kihalangwa has shifted to State Department for Energy, Joseph Njoroge to State Department for Transport, Solomon Kitungu to State Department for Public Works and Nelson Marwa Sospeter to State Department for Social Protection, Senior Citizens Affairs & Special Programmes

The changes take effect immediately.

By Everlyne Bosibori

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