
Tell children their HIV status

Stakeholders in the war against the spread of HIV/AIDS say late disclosure to children living
with HIV/AIDS remains a major challenge to the fight against the disease.
Several children living positively have no idea that they were infected at birth.
Obwoge Moinde, a Children Officer in Kisii County's Department of Health says most parents
are living in denial and are yet to disclose such vital information to affected children.
"Disclosure among children should be done before a child gets to age seven. That way they could
be able to adjust to the new lifestyle and accept their way of life," added Moinde.
According to Obwoge, some children also lack proper healthcare care while at school.
"Affected children do not have the right people to take care of them. We have schools that are
yet to employ nurses or even matrons; the affected are embarrassed and harassed by other
students and some of the caregivers is what causes stigma."
Association and lack of privacy also affect the children. Those attending boarding schools at
some point feel discriminated because they lack the right association.
Millicent Omoye from Research Impact Development Organisation says it is wrong to have
children get into adolescence stage before knowing their status.
"Parents should be worried about HIV transmission among the youth. Some youths could be
engaging in sexual intercourse without prior knowledge if they are HIV positive.&quote;

By Frank Akunga

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