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Curfew extended for 60 days

President Uhuru Kenyatta has announced an extension of the curfew for an additional 60 days.

The president also stated that country had entered the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Kenyatta also introduced new measures to help fight the pandemic.

All political gatherings which are considered spreaders of the diseases have now been suspended for 30 days starting from midnight tonight.

“The escalation or de-escalation of the ban on these gatherings will depend on the national endeavour to fight the pandemic, this order applies to everyone from me to the MCAs,” said President Kenyatta.

He added that the burials in the country should be conducted within 72 hours of the confirmation of death and gatherings will be limited to family members, capped at 100 persons. This also applies to weddings.

Restaurants and bars will be expected to close businesses by 9 pm daily and this should be enforced by different agencies.

Construction sites are now considered as essential services which will ensure that constructions are completed without delays.

By JN Wamanji

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